Ashtanga Mysore Yoga 

in Groningen en online

5 days / week

Iedereen is welkom

All levels Ashtanga Mysore Yoga

Ons traditionele Ashtanga Mysore Yoga programma is sinds 2010 de hart en ziel van Bhumi Yoga.  Iedereen is welkom. Oefen onder persoonlijke begeleiding in groepsverband. Beginnersvriendelijk. Regelmatige beoefening zuivert de geest, het lichaam en het zenuwstel.

Ons Ashtanga Mysore Yoga programma vindt vijf ochtenden per week plaats in onze yogastudio in Groningen en online met de deskundige, toegewijde en compassionate ondersteuning van Maxi en in een community van vriendelijke beoefenaars. Iedereen is welkom om mee te doen! 

 Wat is een Ashtanga Mysore Yoga Programma?

Een  Ashtanga “Mysore” Yoga programma is de traditionele manier om Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga te onderwijzen en te beoefenen. Ashtanga Mysore Yoga werd geboren in de Indiase stad Mysore. Zie de onderstaande beschrijvingen om uit te leggen wat u kunt verwachten verwachten.

Ashtanga Yoga voor iedereen in Groningen

All Levels Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Style

Our Ashtanga Mysore style classes are all levels where beginners practice alongside more seasoned practitioeners.  Onze Ashtanga Mysore Yoga lessen zijn all-levels waar beginners oefenen naast meer ervaren beoefenaars.

In deze sfeer leer je Ashtanga Yoga onder persoonlijke begeleiding van Maxi binnen een groepsverband, in een tempo en capaciteit die voor jou relevant is. Geen twee lichamen zijn hetzelfde.

Tijdens de les zie je dagelijkse beoefenaars van 10+ jaar en beginners van 1 week ervaring naast elkaar oefenen, oud en jong, stijf en flexibel, van student tot gepensioneerd.


Eén keer per maand Led Primary Series

In deze traditionele led les begeleidt Maxi je door de Full Led Primary met de Sanskriet Vinyasa Count – dit geeft ritme, structuur en inspiratie aan je reguliere beoefening. Iedereen beweegt samen met technische aanwijzingen voor de ademhaling, overgangen en houdingen.

Geschikt voor iedereen die al ervaring heeft met Ashtanga Mysore Yoga, ook als je nog niet de hele Primary Series beoefend. 

Dit is geen les voor complete beginners – je leert alle details en hoe je begint in de Ashtanga Mysore Yoga -lessen.

Hoe te beginnen?

Ben je klaar om een ​​levenslange praktijk te leren, die heelemaal van jou is en die je heel veel mentale en fysieke voordelen biedt?

De beste optie om met ons mee te doen is met onze “One Month Mysore Yoga Trial for Newcomers To Our School“. Met deze proef-pass heb je een maand lang toegang tot alle doordeweekse ochtendlessen. Hierin ervaar en geniet je echt van de voordelen van het opzetten van een dagelijkse ochtendyogapraktijk in een ondersteunende groep onder persoonlijke en vakkundige begeleiding. De meeste nieuwkomers kiezen voor deze optie.

Je kan bij ons ook terecht met een drop-in class pass.

It’s been a little over 5 months since I started practicing with Maxi and the journey of learning from her so far has been insightful and integrated. Her embodied presence and gentle way of guiding through the asanas, unburden the general intimidation around Mysore style and make the process enriching and meaningful. I particularly admire not just her vast knowledge and understanding of Ashtanga but also how she imparts that wisdom with utmost care and attention. Without hesitation, I would recommend Bhumi Yoga to anyone who is seeking a path toward physical strength and mental peace.

Palak Gupta

Ashtanga Mysore Yoga Schedule

Ashtanga Mysore Yoga Groningen Lestijden

Goed om te weten:

  • Inschrijven is verplicht voor alle lessen HERE
  • Op dagen van volle en nieuwe maan biedt Maxi een begeleide Chandra Krama (Moon Sequence)-oefening aan (want traditioneel is er geen Mysore op dagen van volle en nieuwe maan).
  • Eén keer per maand geeft Maxi de traditioneele Full Led Primary Series & Yoga Talk, altijd op een andere weekdag.
  • Op nationale feestdagen wordt er geen les gegeven (tijd voor gezin is belangrijk).

Wanneer kun je komen oefenen?

  • Maandag en woensdag: arriveer tussen 6.50-8.00 uur 
  • Dinsdag en donderdag arriveer tussen 8.50-9.30 uur
  • Vrijdag: Arriveer je iets vóór 7.00 uur om deel te nemen aan het ledgedeelte, of arriveer tussen 7.30 en 8.00 uur om alleen deel te nemen aan het Mysore-gedeelte

Ik deed al enige jaren aan hatha yoga, toen ik mij een paar maanden geleden uit nieuwsgierigheid voor een workshop “Ashtanga Yoga voor beginners” bij Maxi Meissner inschreef. Ik ben ontzettend blij dat ik dat gedaan heb. Vanaf het eerste moment voelde ik mij thuis bij haar en in de studio. 

Ik heb op geen enkel moment het idee gehad dat ik door mijn leeftijd (ik ben 70) eigenlijk te oud of ongeschikt ben voor Ashtanga Mysore Style. Ik heb juist het idee dat iedereen op zijn/haar manier, met zijn/haar ervaring en souplesse, zijn/haar weg kan vinden in de vaste serie oefeningen van de Ashtanga yoga.

De liefdevolle aandacht van Maxi, haar duidelijke en persoonlijke begeleiding en haar creatieve adjustments maken de beoefening in de studio voor mij een feest, ik ga vrolijk naar de studio en kom er vrolijk weer vandaan! 

Wat niet de bedoeling was is wel gebeurd: ik ben 2x in de week voor mijn beoefening in de studio bij Maxi te vinden. En ook thuis sta ik bijna elke dag op de mat. Als je je ervoor openstelt sta je versteld van wat je kan! En hoe snel je vooruitgaat! Mijn lichaam wordt soepeler en sterker en dat is een heerlijk gevoel!

Ik word blij van het idee dat ik ook thuis mijn vaste oefeningen kan doen en daar vooruitgang zie! En ik word blij van het vooruitzicht overmorgen weer op de mat bij Maxi te kunnen staan!


Ashtanga Mysore Yoga Prijsopties

De onderstaande opties geven je toegang tot alle Ashtanga Yoga Mysore-lessen, Full Primary and Moon Sequence lessen op weekdagen.


12 Months Mysore Yoga Membership

This is the best option if you can practice with us regularly (also the best option if you can practice with us at least 2 times per week).

With this membership you have access to all regular morning classes at the yoga school and online (Monday – Friday), including the Monthly Led Primary + Chanting + Philosophy class and the guided Chandra Krama practices on full and new moon days.

The membership is binding for a period of twelve months. After twelve months, this membership continues but can then be terminated on a month-to-month bases with a termination notice of one month by e-mail.

Tuition fees:

€100 / month – Normal fees

*Students, stadjer pass holders and job seekers can receive 20% off on any membership (Get in touch so we can arrange this for you).

*You may freeze (pause) your membership once for up to four weeks during a 12 months period. A membership can only be paused / frozen once per year. To do so you are required to email Bhumi Yoga at at least 1 months prior to the freeze taking place.

3 Months Mysore Yoga Membership

With this membership you have access to all regular morning classes at the yoga school and online (Monday – Friday), including the Monthly Led Primary + Chanting + Philosophy class and the guided Chandra Krama practices on full and new moon days.

The membership is binding for a period of three months. After three months, this membership continues but can then be terminated on a month-to-month bases with a termination notice of one month by e-mail.

Tuition fees:

  •  €125 / month

*Students, stadjer pass holders and job seekers can receive 20% off on any membership (Get in touch so we can arrange this for you).

*No freezes possible. 

*`This membership will be prolonged for the days that the yoga school may be closed (e.g. vacation).

12 Months Mysore Yoga ONLINE Membership

This is the best option if you can practice with us regularly (also the best option if you can practice with us at least 2 times per week).

With this membership you have access to all regular ONLINE morning classes at the yoga school and online (Monday – Friday), including the Monthly Led Primary + Chanting + Philosophy class and the guided Chandra Krama practices on full and new moon days.

The membership is binding for a period of twelve months. After twelve months, this membership continues but can then be terminated on a month-to-month bases with a termination notice of one month by e-mail.

Tuition fees:

  •  €80 / month – Normal fees

*Students, stadjer pass holders and job seekers can receive 20% off on any membership (Get in touch so we can arrange this for you).

*You may freeze (pause) your membership once for up to four weeks during a 12 months period. A membership can only be paused / frozen once per year. To do so you are required to email Bhumi Yoga at at least 1 months prior to the freeze taking place.

1 Month Mysore Yoga Unlimited Pass

This is a great option if you can only practice with us for a period of one month or you are not sure yet whether you want to commit for a longer period.

With this pass you have access to all regular morning classes at the yoga school and online (Monday – Friday) including the Monthly Led Primary + Chanting + Philosophy class and the guided Chandra Krama practices on full and new moon days.

This pass automatically stops after one month.

Tuition fees:

€145 / month

*Students, stadjer pass holders and job seekers can receive 20% off on any membership (Get in touch so we can arrange this for you).

1 Month ONLINE Unlimited Pass

This is a great option if you can only practice with us for a period of one month or you are not sure yet whether you want to commit for a longer period.

With this pass you have access to all regular ONLINE morning classes at the yoga school and online (Monday – Friday) including the Monthly Led Primary + Chanting + Philosophy class and the guided Chandra Krama practices on full and new moon days.

This pass automatically stops after one month.

Tuition fees:


*Students, stadjer pass holders and job seekers can receive 20% off on any membership (Get in touch so we can arrange this for you).

Class Cards

10 Classes

This option is great if you can join us just once a week or even less frequently.

Your ten classes are valid for a period of five months.

With this class card you can book into all morning yoga classes at the yoga school.

Tuition fee:

  •  €165 – Normal fees
  • *€145 – For students and stadjerspas holders

*The reduced rate applies for students of officially recognized studies and holders of the stadjers pass. Show of proof is required.

10 Online Classes

This option is great if you can join us just online (through zoom) infrequently.

Your five classes are valid for a period of five months.

With this class card you can book into all online morning yoga classes (Monday – Friday).

Tuition fee:


Beginners Special

1 Month Mysore Yoga Trial

This is the best option if you are a newcomer to our yoga school and want to experience the benefits of establishing a regular and safe yoga practice under 1-on-1 guidance in a group. This option allows you to get a really good experience of the Mysore Yoga method and how it benefits you, Maxi’s teaching and our community.

With this trial you can join all regular morning classes (in-person at the yoga school as well as online) Monday – Friday. 

This option is only available for residents of Groningen and the province of Groningen and for newcomers to our yoga school. You can obtain this trial once as a newcomer.

No previous experience is necessary.

Tuition fee:



*Students, stadjer pass holders and job seekers can receive 20% off on this trial month (Get in touch so we can arrange this for you).

Other Options:

Drop-in Class

A great option if you just want to get a taste of Mysore Yoga and our yoga school or you are traveling and want to practice with us.

Good to know: If you choose this option as a newcomer, your drop-in class can be changed into a 1 month trial if you let us know within 3 days of your drop-in class that you would like to switch to a 1 month trial (then the investment of your drop-in class will be deduced from the 1 month trial).

Tuition fee:



*Students, stadjer pass holders and job seekers can receive 20% off on a drop in class (Get in touch so we can arrange this for you).

Drop-in Online Class

A great option if you can just join us infrequently and from far away.

Tuition fee:



*Students, stadjer pass holders and job seekers can receive 20% off on a drop in class (Get in touch so we can arrange this for you).

Reduced rate

Students, job seekers and stadjers pass holders can receive 20% off of any membership, a drop in class and the beginners special, and all workshops. The reduced rate applies for students of officially recognized studies and holders of the stadjers pass. Show of proof is required. Get in touch so we can set up the reduced rate for you.

What others say about practicing Ashtanga Mysore Yoga with us:

I value the feeling of mental and energetic homecoming, the perfected adjustments, the consistent schedule and the clear instructions. Read more

Ravi Soekhai

I really love the personal guidance and attention of the Mysore class. In my crazy busy life this shala brings me peace and quietness and gives me space to really be aware of my body and how it feels in my own pace. Maxi and her assisting teachers make a great team, love this place and glad I found it.

Mein Bish

The personal attention and input I receive for my practice, even when practicing in bigger groups is extraordinary. Read more

Bert Oosting

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I sign in for class?

Set up your account with our booking system HERE. You will be directed to our booking platform.

When should I arrive? When does class start?

One great aspects of practicing Ashtanga Mysore Yoga is that you arrive and leave at your own time within the class window. Best to arrive at least one hour prior to class closing time.

Thus, for:

  • Mondays arrive between 6.50-8.45h
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays arrive between 8.50-10.00h
  • Wednesdays arrive between 6.50-8.00h
  • Fridays you can either arrive a little before 7.00h to join the led part (until 7.30h), or join for Mysore only between 7.30-8.00h.

*I will guide you through practice and make sure you leave in time so you will make it to your later obligations in time.

How long is a practice?

That depends on how much time you have and what your life situation is. Our practitioners practice anytime between 30-120min.

For your first practice you will probably spend about an hour at practice – unless you have less time (then we work with less time, no problem).

Can you tell me a little more of what to expect and how it works?

Of course! Read on….

When you arrive, I take the moment to check in with you, ask you about your practice history and possible injuries and health concerns (this way I can personalise your yoga for you as appropriate).

I show you our space and explain where the practice space and everything else is.

When you arrive in our practice space you will notice that everyone is practicing in silence only enveloped by the calming sound breathing (which I teach you first thing.)

We will find a spot for you to lay down your mat (or you can take one of ours) and I sit down with you and explain how the class works and what to expect. Then I first teach you the sound and rhythmic breathing. This is the most important and fundamental aspects of the practice. Eventually from there I will guide you through the first version of sun salution, working with you and figuring out a way that works best for you. We will do a few together and eventually I will ask you to repeat it by yourself, so you can learn it inside out and be with your focus inwards (don’t worry everyone learns differently and I will be there as support may be needed). And from there practice unfolds – “same same but different” for everyone as they say in India.


Good to know:

You receive 1-on-1 guidance and assistance during your practice. (You don’t need to know anything about the practice before you come for your first class. My job to teach you.)

My guidance and assistance is mostly non-verbal by respectful hands-on adjustments. The hands-on assists are extremely valuable. Respectful efficient touch conveys information much better than words. This can instantly bring about more awareness and understanding. (And don’t worry, all our adjustments are respectful and with consent. We never wrestle you into a pose.)

I also teach you by “break things down” using verbal explanation and demo, catered especially to your needs. Yet, I don’t overwhelm you. Little by little your practice unfolds, so you can digest it.

In case of changing life circumstances, major situations presenting, injury or illness, we together modify your practice appropriately, so you can receive its benefits also during more intense/challenging times.

After your practice you can enjoy a tea at the school. You get ready for the rest of your day feeling focused, relaxed and ready for anything that may present.



How often should I join?

This depends on your life circumstances and schedule. Some of our practitioners come practice with us five days a week, others join us three times or twice a week or less. However, to get started we advice to join at least two-three times week at the shala. We can always discuss what works best for you as everyone has different circumstances. 

Do I have to know anything prior to class?

No. There is nothing you need to know prior to coming to class. Just come as you are, that’s perfect. We love welcoming beginners to this beautiful practice. 

Moreover, you don’t need to be flexible or strong to start. 

My job is to teach you, and to adapt practice for you according to your needs.


What is the general Mysore etiquette?

– Please shower before practicing and don’t wear perfume.

– Out of town guests, welcome! Please have a small discussion with the teacher before you start.
– Please let the teacher know of any injuries you may have or if you are pregnant or if you would or would not like to be physically adjusted. 
– We encourage women to listen to their menstrual cycle and take rest where needed. 
– Please respect the practice times.
– Settle all payments before class
– There is no class on days of Full and New Moons.
What should I wear?

Please wear clean, breatheable, comfortable clothing that allows you to move.

Do I have to sign in for class?

Yes, we ask all to sign in to class and pay all class fees prior to attending. You can make an account with our booking platform here.

Meet your teacher, Maxi:

Hi, I’m Maxi (PhD, certified yoga teacher, mom, 600h Ayurveda health counselor trainee ). I know what it’s like to feel lost, imbalanced and hassling through life driven by fear. This was my life until I started to refocus.

Let’s face it, we all navigate through life bombarded by materialistic remedies that promise to cure all our ill-feelings and insecurities but leave us more empty and broke.

The clarity, focus, joy and agency I find through my dinacharya (daily rituals of yoga, Ayurveda and paying attention) are just unparalleled and have greatly helped me take to deep root within myself while cultivating more harmony in my inner and outer world. 

In my teaching I am passionate about empowering people of all walks of life to find better inner perspectives for themselves. People describe me as a compassionate teacher who really connects to everyone individually. In my work I light-heartedly and skillfully combine my extensive experience and knowledge about the human body, movement, brain and behaviour.

During the Mysore Yoga practice my wish is to offer a safe space for you to be. My wish is for you to feel more connected in your inner as outer world. I will offer you practical yet simple tools and insights to help you feel balanced, anchored from within and in harmony, no matter what comes your way. I am here to support and hold space for you. 

Read more..

Maxi Meissner

View our upcoming Ashtanga Yoga Workshops and Retreats: